Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Tech Tips of the day

Purge Google and Outlook Spam Folders

Purge your email Junkmail and Spam folders regularly! You should purge junk daily and here is why. Spammers know all the tricks. They know that you are probably going to delete their email and it will end up in either your Junk folder, or deleted items in Outlook for example.

We are not convinced that spammers cannot work as a Trojan horse from within your junk mail or deleted items folder! Why take the chance. Keep all spam, junk mail and deleted items folders empty as much as possible. Take 1 minute and do it now. Your inbox will flow more smoothly.

Internet Browser Update

Not much has changed in the internet browser race between Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, and Mozilla Firefox. We are still on the fence and rotate between all 3 browsers. We are finding that some browsers per-form well in most areas but each have their own quirks. Microsoft Edge (code name: Spartan) will be the new browser that comes with Windows 10.

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